MOCA® Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Credits
You can receive both CME and MOCA® Patient Safety and Quality Improvement credits by attending the following PGA Engaging with the Experts, Scientific Panels, Spotlight Sessions, and Workshops*:
MOCA® Patient Safety
E-01 Airway Challenges: The Experts’ Approach E-02 Blood Management Is Right for You: Tips of the Trade E-05 Obstetric Emergencies Masterclass E-08 PACU Disasters and How We Deal With Them P-02 Airway Management Education: Preparing for the Future P-03 Neuro for the Occasional Neuroanesthesiologist: Tricks and Drips to Improve Care and Outcomes P-05 What Is New in the Care of the Trauma Victim? P-07 Cardiac Cases in the NORA Suite: Where after 5PM Everyone is a Cardiac Anesthesiologist! P-08 Perioperative Resuscitation and Life Support (PeRLS): Relevant Tools for the Anesthesia Provider P-11 Perioperative Management of Patients on Cannabinoids P-12 From Rash to Reason: Making Sense of Perioperative Anaphylaxis P-13 Enhanced Recovery: Improving the Patient Experience and Quality Outcomes P-15 APSF Panel: Medication Errors in the Perioperative Environment - Exploring the Role of Human Factors P-16 54th E.A. Rovenstine Lecture: The Moonshot – How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Care and Anesthesiology P-20 The Gertie Marx Memorial Panel: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy – From Diagnosis to Management P-21 What Is New in Anesthesiology Subspecialties Guidelines? P-23 BJA: The Highs and Lows of Perioperative Blood Pressure Management P-26 The Rebecca S. Twersky Memorial Panel: Management Pearls for Safety and Success in the Ambulatory Surgery Center P-27 PACUs Save Lives: Early Postoperative Management of Common Complications P-30 Barf and Chunder: PONV S-09 All About Vasopressors: Optimizing Support and Minimizing Harm in Vasoplegic Patients S-12 Crash on Induction of Anesthesia: Pathophysiology and Prevention of Persistent Post-Induction Hypotension S-14 Mechanical Ventilation in the OR: One Size Doesn’t Fit All S-17 The Anesthesia Work Station and Safety Issues: Are Our Patients Safer? S-18 Prevention of Intraoperative Hemodynamic Instability (HI) to Improve Patient Outcome S-20 Anatomy of an Error S-25 Exploring the Cannabis Maze: Navigating Cannabis Interactions with Anesthetics S-28 Wet Taps and PDPH: How, Why and What We Can Do S-30 AACD (Association of Anesthesia Clinical Directors) Spotlight Session on Clinical Staffing Management S-33 Update on Modern Perioperative Blood Management Strategies: Goal Directed Transfusion Practices, Coagulation Monitoring and Anemia Treatment S-36 Acute Stroke: Risk Assessment and Prevention. Management in the Perioperative Period S-39 Malignant Hyperthermia: What Is New, What Is True and Updates on the Genetics of MH S-41 Anesthetic Challenges in the Patient with Morbid Obesity S-43 Pediatric Pain Management: What is the Best Practice? S-46 Challenging Airway Cases in NORA S-47 When Medical Training is Not Enough: Improve Patient Communication to Improve Patient Care |
MOCA® Quality Improvement
W-01 Ultrasound Guided Procedures in Acute and Chronic Pain Management W-02 Ultrasound and Simulation for Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Basic Workshop W-03 Difficult Airway Management W-04 Ultrasound for Neuraxial and Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Advanced Workshop W-05 Basic POCUS: Cardiac and Lung W-06 Ultrasound Assisted Neuraxial Anesthesia W-08 Ultrasound Assisted Neuraxial Anesthesia W-09 Echo Workshop: Hands-on, Interactive, Individualized, Focused TTE/TEE Training W-10 Beyond Direct Laryngoscopy: Adult and Pediatric Bronchoscopic Intubation, and Video Laryngoscopy and Adult Surgical Airway and Catheter Ventilation W-11 Gastric Content Assessment POCUS with Log-Building and Competency Testing Workshop W-12 The Anesthesia Gauntlet! Simulation Experience for Anesthesia Crises W-14 Thoracic Anesthesia Workshop W-15 Ultrasound for Neuraxial and Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Advanced Workshop W-16 Advanced Ultrasound Techniques to Obtain Vascular Access in Challenging Patients *Workshops require an additional fee. |
Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program® and MOCA® are registered certification marks of The American Board of Anesthesiology®. This patient safety activity helps fulfill the patient safety CME requirement for Part II of the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program (MOCA) of The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA). Please consult the ABA website,, for a list of all MOCA requirements.